Ode to Short-term Friends

Victoria Banjo
2 min readFeb 23, 2024


Our friendship started as soft as you are
I grew to love talking with you
Without any warning, I fell into this web
This web of me trying to always ensure it’s all sunshine and roses

I forgot my walls were down
I forgot to pull my defenses in place
I got tricked by your warmth
I fell for the promise of what you offered

The first wave hit me
I fell apologizing
I didn’t want to lose this newly found friendship of mine

You were like a drug I shouldn’t have started
I was fast getting addicted to you
I knew I needed to stop but I just couldn’t
I kept finding ways to hold onto the thread

Every time I snapped, it was short-lived
Every time the fog cleared, it didn’t stay long enough
I feared for my heart. I feared I had lost touch
But then again, I am full of emotions

I loved our short friendship
I loved our moments together
But you’ve moved on and I must too

I loved our short friendship
I loved the jokes we shared
But all these are now memories

I loved our short friendship
But I love myself more
So, this is goodbye, my friend
Till our paths cross again

